Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Phantom Limb

I expect most are familiar with the phenomenon- those who lose a limb still feel its presence and attempt to use it, each such effort a stinging reminder of loss.

It'd been a good while since I'd received such a specific jolt from the loss of our game, but this morning my wife called to confirm she'd be off visiting friends for a few days.  My reflexive thought was 'WOO! PARAGON CITY HERE I COME', followed by a crushing wall of loss, a mental flash of the familiar starred launcher icon triggering an avalanche of memory.

It's getting better, I suppose- this is the first flare up in a couple of months.
But that carries its own burning sting, CoH being something I'd prefer not to forget, that I bitterly regret the loss of, fought to save and fervently hope for the revivification of, even in some alternate form.

It's satisfying that two of the Successor Projects are proceeding apace, Missing Worlds Media putting their Kickstarter money to good use licencing software & getting all their systems up to speed and Valiant Online using the head start of having developed their engine for another game to post a playable test build.

Whoever launches first, I've got my first non-Goat character ready to roll:
The Phantom Limb, a grim spectral avenger who was Phase Shifted when the cataclysm befell Paragon City & has finally managed to (mostly) reincorporate in a new, alternate dimensional City.

When life gives you lemons and all that.
Living in exile hasn't dampened my creative impulses one iota.

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